Nethra Samarawickrema

Nethra Samarawickrema Profile Photo

Anthropologist and Career Coach

Nethra Samarawickrema, PhD, is a career and executive coach who helps people and align their work with their values. She supports her clients in making career transitions and writing their own scripts to actualize lives that express who they are. Her work is grounded in empathy and she coaches entrepreneurs, engineers, academics, writers, artists, and startup co-founders to listen for their needs and actualize their full potential. She also works with organizations, combining insights from Anthropology, Design Thinking, and Nonviolent Communication to train teams in transforming their communication to enhance their collaboration. She has a PhD in Anthropology from Stanford University and has taught at the Stanford d.School.

Aug. 1, 2024

Overcoming Isolation at Work with Nethra Samarawickrema

Being a compassionate and empathetic person can sometimes feel lonely when you're on a software team. In this episode, Andrea and Ray chat with Nethra Semarawickrema and get practical advice on how people can overcome feeling isolated at work.